Traffic law is the law which governs traffic and regulates vehicles .  If you are facing problems with the law our traffic ticket attorney’s can help you fight your case.  Our law firm has been helping clients for over 20 years, and we will be glad to help you.



There are a numerous reasons why your license may be revoked, canceled or suspended.  However, we here at Rivera Law Offices also realize that there are a variety of reasons why a person may choose to drive with a revoked license such as work or family obligations or even emergencies where there was simply no other choice. An experienced, seasoned legal professional can make a legitimate argument in your favor and increase your chances of minimized penalties, or a complete dismissal of your charges.
This charge can be serious; under Florida Statutes this crime is punishable by up to 60 days in the county jail. Multiple adjudications or adjudications withheld for driving without a license can you to possibly lose your license for 5 years, basically, the penalties continue to get worse and the hiring of an attorney needs to be a serious consideration when dealing with the issue of driving without a license. Let us resolve your traffic ticket now!

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Driving with a revoked license is a citation that may be issued when an individual is found to be in operation of a motor vehicle while their license status has been revoked, rendering the license invalid. There are a variety of reasons why a person may choose to drive with a revoked license such as family or work obligations or even emergencies where there was simply no other choice. An experienced, seasoned legal professional can make a legitimate argument in your favor and increase your chances of minimized penalties, or a complete dismissal of your charges.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Law enforcement can treat the crime of Leaving the Scene of an Accident as a misdemeanor or felony. Regardless of the severity level designated by law enforcement, a conviction for LSA can result in significant incarceration. Our attorneys can fight against the charges and, in some circumstances, negotiate dismissal of your case through a diversionary program.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

A traffic control device is any sign, signal, pavement marking, or any legally installed device erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. Most commonly this means traffic signals, regulatory and warning signs, and all pavement markings.

Failure to obey a Traffic Control Device may also be written for going through a red light, stop sign, passing in a no-passing zone, going the wrong way on a one-way street and many others. We have extensive experience in working with these types of violations and recommend you contact us so that we can work with you in securing that your license is not affected nor your insurance rates.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

The Florida legislature has mandated that you receive 4 points on your license if your traffic violation involves a red light violation and the minimum fines have increased substantially.  There is a major push in the State of Florida to combat red light running.   Also, you could be required to complete a 4 hour traffic school if you have two red light convictions within a one-year period per the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.  Let us resolve your traffic ticket now!
Florida Statute 316.075, but more specifically defines it in s. 316.123:

“… The right-of-way at an intersection may be indicated by stop signs or yield signs… Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop intersection indicated by a stop sign shall stop… but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another highway or which is approaching so closely on said highway as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when the driver is moving across or within the intersection…”

While there are many different factual scenarios for a violation of right of way, what these charges have in common with most people who have been given this ticket is that a violation of right of way is almost always entirely reliant upon an eyewitness testimony, usually that of the charging police officer. Our office can ascertain if the court will have sufficient evidence to present in these matters.  A skilled attorney in our office, more often than not these charges can be lessened if not altogether dismissed from our client’s record.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

A ticket for “improper lane change” is issued when someone fails to use their turn signal before changing lanes, changes more than one lane at a time or cuts off another driver; additionally, if the road your traveling on has a solid yellow line, you may also be charged with improper lane change.   It is important to note that you will get points on your license if you just pay the ticket.  Contact our office so that we can have our experienced traffic ticket attorneys assist you by working toward getting you NO points on your license.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

The Florida Move Over Law was enacted in 2002 in order to prevent the number of accidents caused by motorists against law enforcement officers, first responders and other emergency officials who are injured or killed during stops on Florida highways and roads. Specifically, the law states that all motorists on 2-lane or higher roadways are now required to move over a lane or slow to 20 mph below the posted speed limit when approaching an emergency vehicle that has its lights flashing. If driving on a single-lane road, drivers must slow to 20 mph below the posted speed limit, or 5 mph if driving on a road with a posted speed limit of 25 mph or less.  Failing to do so will serve as you possibly getting a ticket that if not properly handled by our traffic ticket attorneys will get you three (3) points on your license.  Call our office to see how we can help you with this type of traffic ticket.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

The offense of Racing on Highways, or ‘Street Racing,’ is defined in Section 316.191, Florida Statutes. Under the law, ‘Racing’ can include four categories of conduct:

  • Racing, Competitions, and Exhibitions– driving any vehicle (including motorcycles) in any race, speed competition, speed contest, drag race, acceleration contest, test of physical endurance, speed exhibition, acceleration exhibition, or driving for the purpose of making a speed record on any highway, roadway, or parking lot;
  • Coordination and Facilitation– participating in, coordinating, facilitating, or collecting moneys at any location for any race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition;
  • Passenger Participation– knowingly riding as a passenger in a race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition; and
  • Traffic Interference– purposefully causing the movement of traffic to slow or stop for any race, competition, contest, test, or exhibition.

Where the alleged conduct concerns a defendant driving, Florida’s ‘Racing on Highways’ statute cannot be applied unless vehicles are competing with each other. Reaves v. State, 979 So. 2d 1066, 1072 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008).

The penalties are serious:

Florida law classifies Racing on Highways as a first degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to 1 year in jail. In addition to possible incarceration, a plea to the charge of Street Racing will have the following consequences:

  • Fines-For a first offense, there is a minimum $500 fine and maximum fine of up to $1,000. For a second offense, the minimum fine increases to $1,000, with a maximum fine of $3,000;
  • Driver’s License Revocation-Under Section 316.191(3)(a), Florida Statutes, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles must revoke an offender’s driving privileges for a minimum period of one year upon conviction, EVEN IF ADJUDICATION IS WITHHELD. For subsequent offenses, the revocation period can increase to four years (for a third offense);
  • Possible Vehicle Impoundment/Immobilization-Whenever a law enforcement officer determines that a person was engaged in a drag race or race, as defined in Section 316.191, the officer may immediately arrest and take such person into custody. The officer may then have the vehicle impounded for a period of 30 business days if the police officer has arrested and taken a person into custody and the person being arrested is the registered owner or co-owner of the motor vehicle. Section 316.191(5) also authorizes the trial court to enter an order of impoundment or immobilization as a condition of incarceration or probation;
  • Possible Vehicle Forfeiture-any motor vehicle used in violation of the statute by any person within five years after the date of a prior conviction of that person for a violation under the statute may be seized and forfeited as provided by the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act. See Section 316.191(6), referring to 932.701, Florida Statutes. However, this provision is only applicable if the owner of the motor vehicle is the person charged with a violation of the statute;
  • Creation of a Criminal Record-A conviction for Racing on Highways or street racing will result in a criminal record, harming employment prospects, causing points to be assessed against your driver’s license, and dramatically increasing your insurance premiums.

If charged with Racing it is imperative to call our office so that we may begin to work on a defense and a way to protect the above noted penalities.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Passing vehicles while driving is really an everyday occurrence.  Every person has passed another vehicle while driving at some point in their life. In order to pass another vehicle while driving a person is supposed to signal their blinker, check their blind spot, check their mirrors and make sure there is enough room to safely pass another vehicle.

When a driver does not follow the proper protocol for making a pass they can be charged with improper passing. Improper passing is most commonly cited when other incidents occur from the pass, such as accident or injury.  Call our office so we can explain what the implications this type of ticket can have on your license and driving record.

561-651-9322 or contact us online today for a free consultation.

Maybe your Sun Pass, MDX or EPass stopped working or there is a problem with it and never receive any notice, as a result you may have multiple toll violations.   If you have received a toll violation ticket and have paid it, you will receive 3 points on your driver’s license.  Unfortunately, if you have enough points on your license it may result in the suspension of your license.  We can work to ensure that you don’t pay for a ticket you don’t deserve and do not get unnecessary points on your license.  Let us resolve your traffic ticket now!




No Valid Drivers License PicDriving without a Driver’s License

Reckless Driving PicCareless Driving

DUI PicSpeeding

Street Racing PicStreet Racing

Improper Change of Lane PicImproper Change of Lane

Misdemeanor PicDUI


Our law firm is dedicated to helping you fight your traffic case. If you are interested in our services make sure to contact us today.