Know the law!
Under the Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act (Florida Statutes, Title XLVI, Chapter 893) it states that “A person may not sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a controlled substance.” While being charged with possession of a controlled substance isn’t as serious a charge as manufacturing or distributing it, it can still lead to severe punishment.
Possession of a Controlled Substance
Many ‘possession of a controlled substance’ charges involve controlled substances that require prescriptions such as; OxyContin, Vicodin, Xanax, and Valium. In the state of Florida, being charged with ‘possession of a controlled substance’ can lead to a felony charge, unless the individual possessing the substance has been provided with a prescription by their Doctor for that medication. It is important to remember that even when a controlled substance is prescribed, it is illegal to drive under the influence of a narcotic or regulated drug without a valid prescription. Simply having a controlled substance in your possession is also illegal.
Street Drugs
“Street drugs” known as cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, and ecstasy (excluding marijuana) could result in a felony of the third degree, punishable by prison time up to five years, and a fine as large as $5,000.
*Be mindful that the exact charge an individual will face depends on the type of drug and/or drugs they are possessing, as well as the amount.
How can a Controlled Substance Charge Impact your Life?
Facing a ‘possession of a controlled substance’ charge or conviction can adversely affect your life. Some of these implications include, but are not limited to:
- A permanent record: Being charged with ‘possession of a controlled substance’ can have a permanent stamp on your record. Having a permanent record can adversely affect the types of jobs you may or may not receive, and it can even cause conflict with certain individuals in your personal life. There are ways to petition for expungement so that your record may be cleared but remember, each case is specific and unique to itself. If you are eligible to petition for an expungement, we are here to guide you through the process!
- Prevention of job opportunities: Due to some jobs having strict requirements when it comes to records, having a ‘possession of a controlled substance charge’ on your record can affect job opportunities that may come your way and unfortunately, even lead to failed job opportunities despite your true work ethic.
- Suspension of your driver’s license: For repeated offenses or for other reasons listed in your case, being charged with ‘possession of a controlled substance’ can lead to the suspension of your driver’s license. You must keep in communication with your attorney regarding this matter and refrain from violating such stipulations set forth by your court order.
- Deportation: If you are not a citizen of the United States, facing a ‘possession of a controlled substance charge’ on your record can ultimately result in deportation from the United States.
We are on your side!
At Rivera Law, we are on your side! Our office and criminal law attorneys have experience defending defendants in court with felony charges, such as ‘possession of a controlled substance’. We have a great deal of knowledge in defending clients who are facing ‘possession of a controlled substance’ charges so that they may go on to lead fulfilled and inspirational lives and careers. We can’t stress enough how incredibly important it is to contact an experienced attorney, such as Rivera Law to help you navigate through these often complicated matters. Call our office at 561-651-9322 for a consultation with an attorney today.
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