If you are thinking about making any travel plans in 2022, you should be aware of ongoing passport delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Although passport agencies have resumed normal operations since June 2020, a backlog of 1.7 million applicants has caused severe delays. Due to the influx of backlogged applicants, while passport agencies halted their operations during the pandemic, we still see extended wait times to date. The Department of State suggests that regular processing may take anywhere from two to three months, while an expedited process can take five to seven weeks. If you are planning on leaving the country, do not wait until the last minute, as other hurdles may delay this process even further. Continue reading for more information on passport applications, New Generation Passports, and more!
You must apply for your passport using the Form DS-11 in person if one of the following applies to you:
- This is your first passport application
- You are under the age of 16
- Your last passport was issued when you were under the age of 16
- Your prior passport was stolen, lost, or damaged
- Your previous passport is over 15 years old
If none apply, you may be able to apply for your passport using the Form DS-82.
Next Generation Passports
If you are applying for a new passport in 2022, there is a possibility that you may receive the New Generation Passport. The New Generation Passport has been designed to be a modern version of the previous passport, including safety features and technology to protect your identity and make counterfeiting more difficult. Aside from these features, the New Generation Passport also includes a polycarbonate data page, engraved personalization, and updated images that use landscapes, culture, history, and traditions. NOTE: Although you may receive a New Generation Passport, individuals who apply now may still receive the previous passport version.
The New Generation Passport consists of 26 pages; however, if you are a frequent traveler and need more pages, you can choose the more significant passport book when you apply, consisting of 50 pages.
Are Previous Passport Versions Still Valid?
Yes, if you received a passport of the previous version and not a New Generation Passport, it will still be valid up until its expiration date. Passport agencies across the U.S. are still working to replace their passport printers which takes time but not to worry, your passport will still be valid, and you may resume travels as long as your passport is not expired.
Although most are familiar with passports with a “blue” cover, other U.S. passports have different colored covers. Those include:
- Gray passports: Also known as ‘Service Gray Passports’-for third-party contractors traveling for the U.S. government.
- Brown passports: Also known as ‘Official Brown Passports’ – For U.S. government employees traveling for business.
- Black passports: Also known as ‘Diplomatic Black Passports’ – For foreign service officers or others with diplomatic status.
Regardless of the color passport you have, you will be required to show it when traveling out of the country, and at times, you may be required to show a passport with at least six months of validity. This is why it is essential to prepare and be prepared when you are planning to travel outside of the United States.
Suppose you are interested in traveling abroad and face obstacles obtaining a passport because of legal status or other stipulations. In that case, Rivera Law is here to help navigate you! You can call our office with your questions at 561-651-9322 OR visit our website at attorneyrivera.com. We are here to help YOU!
I am traveling in 2022 and had no clue about the delays! THANK YOU For the helpful information, I will now be applying way in advance.
Very informative article. If you’re planning on traveling and have doubts, this is a must read!
Great job!