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So far Rivera Law has created 52 blog entries.

Cuban Rafter Is Charged With Assault

By |2016-09-19T19:49:39+00:00September 19th, 2016|Criminal Law, Immigration Law|

What happened that day? On June 25, eleven Cubans on an old wooden boat tried to reach South Florida, as three law enforcement agencies chased them down at sea. In the air there was a chopper recording everything; showing the rest of the world what happened that day. Before the immigrants could make it to land, [...]

No More Red-Light Cameras in Boynton Starting With The New Year

By |2019-03-29T05:39:12+00:00September 9th, 2016|Traffic Ticket Law|

Boynton Beach Less then a month ago Boynton Beach decided to extend its red-light program for another five years. But, this last Thursday Boynton Beach City Commissioners decided to end the program starting the new year. Boynton Beach is the only department in Palm Beach County that still enforces this program. There are those who [...]

How Is Our Government Treating Immigrants?

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00August 22nd, 2016|Immigration Law|

Freezing, Overcrowded, and Filthy CBP Cells Last week different sources publicly announced some of the horrors that immigrants go through in Border Patrol facilities. These immigrants were put in freezing concrete cells and given Mylar Sheets to keep them warm. These confinement cells were overcrowded and filthy with garbage, dirt, and even human waste! The [...]

USCIS to Allow Additional Applicants for Provisional Waiver Process

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00August 2nd, 2016|Immigration Law|

Provisional Wavier Process U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced a ruling which allows for specific individuals who are family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPRs), and who are eligable for immigrant visas, to more easily navigate the immigration process. The provisional wavier process is the next step that allows for [...]

U.S. To Admit More Central American Refugees

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00July 27th, 2016|Immigration Law|

U.S. To Admit More Central American Refugees The White House on Tuesday announced an expansion of the program created to admit Central American refugees to the United States, which focuses on immigrants who are fleeing their home country due to dangerous conditions. Refugees come from all over the world, but over 50% of immigrants coming [...]

Can Police Search Your Car if they Smell Marijuana?

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00July 8th, 2016|Criminal Law|

What happens when a police officer says they smell marijuana? What happens when a police officer says they smell marijuana? Often times, upon stopping an automobile, police can claim they smell marijuana resulting in an inquiry that yields not solely marijuana however different controlled substances. If the officers claim they smell marijuana, under current case [...]

Thousands of Children Now Covered in Access to Counsel Lawsuit

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00July 6th, 2016|Immigration Law|

Immigration Assists Children Last week a federal court classified some of the governments actions unconstitutional.  The government failed to provide legal representation to illegal minors in deportation proceedings.  This lead to thousands of children to enter court proceedings against trained prosecutors with no legal aid. The lawsuit, F.L.B. v. Lynch, was filed in U.S. District [...]

Warrantless Blood Draws in DUI Arrests Are Unconstitutional

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00June 29th, 2016|Traffic Ticket Law|

Unconstitutional Blood Draws This passed Thursday the Supreme Court decided that having warrantless blood testing in a DUI arrest is unconstitutional.  This decision was made with a 7-1 vote, stating that it "violated the fourth amendment of the constitution." Justice Samuel Alito wrote “We conclude that the Fourth Amendment permits warrantless breath tests incident to arrests for [...]

Dirty License Plate Leads to $1,590 Traffic Fine

By |2024-06-21T20:19:43+00:00June 21st, 2016|Traffic Ticket Law|

Traffic Fine A traffic fine is something a person receives when he or she goes over the speed limit, or takes a red light.  Except in this specific case a woman received a traffic ticket for have a dirty license plate, and had to pay more than $1,500.  Ms. Linda Ford was pulled over on [...]

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